Ken Ken Puzzle

 Ken Ken Puzzle

One of the puzzles that can be very addictive is the Ken Ken Puzzle. This helps children practice the basic math concepts and at the same time helps sharpen the reasoning skills. The rules are very simple the entire square is divided into cages. You have to use only as many numbers as there are boxes i.e if it is 3x3 box then you can use numbers 1 to 3 only, no other number can be used. For 4x4 you have to use only 1 to 4. No number can be repeated in a row or a column. The numbers in cages are to be used so that you get the number given on the top left corner of the cage using the operation shown for the cage.Try this with your kids, we started solving with 3x3 simple puzzles and have now graduated to 6x6 Kenken puzzles.

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