Ranking and Position

 Ranking and Position 

Grade 4, 5 , 6

Normally for these grades the questions are simple ranking and are of two types

Position based

To find out the position of a person in the row from either L.H.S/R.H.S or from top/bottom
The position of a person from L.H.S/top = Total number of people in a row + 1 – Position of the same person from R.H.S/bottom.
The position of a person from R.H.S/bottom = Total number of people in a row + 1 – Position of the same person from L.H.S/top.

example :  There are 15 students in a row. The position of  Reena is 7th from left. What is his position from the right end?

if you make a picture this is how it would be . Now see from the right she is  7th but if you count from the left she is 9th

1     2     3     4     5     6      7      8      9      10     11     12      13      14      15 

                                           9      8       7      6       5        4        3        2        1

If  the same is now put in the formula  it will be 

15+1-7 = 9

The second type of problems are where the position from left and right or top and bottom is given and you have to find the total number of people

A total number of persons in a row = Position of a person from L.H.S/top + Position of the same person from R.H.S/bottom – 1

lets check this through an example

Vishal is standing in a row. His position from the right is 6th and his position from the left is 12th.How many people are there in a row

once we have done 

1    2    3    4     5     6     

                                12    11   10   9     8     7      6      5       4      3      2     1

if you look and count from 12th position to 1 you will find there are 17 people.

now lets put the same in the formula

6+12-1 = 17

A sample worksheet from my classes is given below.. kids can try it ..if parents are interested in the classes you can contact us through a2yacademy@outlook.com


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