Finding the Square of a Number

 Finding square of a number 

Tips to solve it faster

Grade 6, 7, 8, Competitive Exams

If we have to find the square of a number that is more than 10 the conventional way is to multiply the number by itself as shown below : 
                                                                                                                                             Working is that first 28 is multiplied by 8 . So 8 x 8 is 64 and we write 4 in the units place and carryover multiply 2x8 which is 16 and add 6 to it so we have the answer as 224.
Now we multiply 28 by 2. We start writing the number from the 100’s place as 2 is in the 100’s place

Let’s see if we can find the square of a number in an easy way without doing much of calculation. Let’s take the number 34

Find the square of the unit number which is 4. Keep the unit digit. 1 will be carry over.
For the middle box multiply the digits of the number 3, 4 and the exponent (which is 2), then add 1 to the number that you get 1 was a carry over. Keep 5 and take 2 as carry over. Now find the square of 3 i.e
3x3 =9 then add 2 to it which was a carryover
So we have 9+2 =11

Now write the numbers as shown above which will be the answer
So we have 34x34 = 1156.
This method is based on the formula (A+B)^2= A^2 +2AB+B^2
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