Finding Cube of a number easy way

 Finding Cube of a number

This is slightly a longer post but will make a great resource for children who are in grade 7 to 10 or preparing for competitive examinations

To be able to find the cube of any number remember the cube of the numbers from 1 to 9

N                             N3

1                              1

2                              8

3                              27

4                             64

5                              125

6                              216

7                              343

8                              512

9                              729

Once we remember this try and remember your formula in algebra (a+b)3 = a3+ 3a2b+3ab2+b3 The formula needs to be remembered in exactly the same way.  If you change the places the answer will not be correct.

Lets now find the cube of a number


Step 1 : Lets assume that a is 3 and b is 2

Step 2 : make 4 places or boxes and write the numbers as per the formula a3+ 3a2b+3ab2+b3  so we have

Remember that we need to write only one digit below each number. Incase you have a double digit number then take the digit at the unit place and the remaining we need to take as carryover. As shown in the example at the units place we have 8 so we have taken it as is.

For tens place we keep 6 and carryover 3.

For the place of hundred we have 4 and then added 3 to it (carry over from the previous number) 5 from there is carried over again.

Adding 5 to 27 gives us our final digits and the answer.

Which is 32768

Another way of finding the cube of a number quickly is given below when the given number is near to a base. Let's take an example as shown below


Step 1 : The base here is 10

Step 2 : Difference from the base is +5

Step 3 : make 3 boxes and work as shown below

Rule : base has 1 zeroes so 2nd and 3rd boxes can not have more than 1 digits

As the 2nd and 3rd box can not have more than one digit we keep 5 the remaining digits are added to 75 so in 2nd box we have 75+12=87 and take 7 from there and thenadd the remaining to the 3rd box which is 25+8 =33 so the answer is 3375

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